Selection From Text: Applying text to a design

Advanced use of text within a design

Selection from text found in the Edit Menu and allows you to add text to any number of layers or images in the form of a selection. With this tool, text can be applied while working in multiple repeats so you can place text across the repeat joins if desired.

Another advantage of this text tool is that the text you created last time you used the tool will be remembered next time you go to it. So if you need to use the same text several times, it will already be there, ready to use.

In addition to this, if you would prefer to add your new text to a vector layer, rather than a raster layer, you can, simply by activating the relevant type of layer before adding your text.

  1. Activate the layers and/or images to add text to.
  2. Go to Edit Menu > Selection From Text. The text entry window will open.
  3. Click on the A button at the top left of the window to open the Fonts window. Choose your required font, size, style and effect. You will have access to all system fonts, font effects and foreign sets available on your computer.
  4. Type the text required in the main part of the Text window. It will appear in the selected font, size and style and you will see if you are typing in upper or lower case. The text will be seen at 100% (actual size) and will not relate to the scale that the design is viewed at.
  5. Highlight all or part of the text and choose different fonts, styles or sizes, as required.
  6. Once you are happy with the result, click OK. The text will appear on the design either as a filled floating selection if using a raster layer, or as a series of vectors if on a vector layer.


Note: If using a raster layer, ensure Use Antialiasing is ticked to avoid hard pixellated edges on your text. This option will apply a slight blur to the edges and make the text appear smoother. If you are working on 1 bit layers, this option will have no effect, you will need to use an 8 bit layer or an image to benefit from this setting.

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