Fuse: Flattening Partial Images to a single image

Flattening a multi-layered design ahead of separations

Once you have finished editing your design with Partial Images, you should flatten or combine them. This is done by fusing them together.

You can either fuse specific Partial Images, or all Partial Images, depending on what stage of the design process you are at.


Note: There must be a destination image in your file. This is the image you will fuse your partial images too. If there is no destination image, you will not be able to flatten your design.

Choose Layer > Fuse or click on the Fuse button in the toolbar. 

The selected Partial Images will be combined together and any which were not activated will remain unchanged, meaning you can still edit them.

To combine (group) Partial Images together, but keep them separate from the original image, do not include the original image as one of your active layers when you choose to fuse.


Note: Fusing partial images effectively deletes them from the file because they become flattened into one image. Therefore be sure you want to fuse before selecting this function. If you are not sure whether to fuse, it is possible to just combine the partial image to a new image and keep the Partial Images exactly as they are in this file. Simply make all relevant images, layers and partial images visible and choose Separate Menu > Combine to Image or click on the Combine to Image button in the toolbar.

Select 24 bit in the sheet that opens.

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