Rotating, resizing and flipping Partial Images

Basic editing of Partial Images

You can rotate, resize and flip individual partial images and it is also possible to edit several Partial Images simultaneously. Dynamic menus give the flexibility to flick between two sets of menu options at the same time.

Activate the layer to be edited in the Layers Palette. Hold down ⌥ (option key) and go to the Edit menu. You will see that the Resize command changes to Resize Layer, indicating that only the active layer will be resized rather than the whole document.

In the same way, you can also rotate, and flip layers horizontally and vertically. The menu commands change to Rotate Layer, Flip Layer Horizontal and Flip Layer Vertical respectively when ⌥ (option key) is held down. Release ⌥ (option key) and you will see these menu items revert to their usual names.

Selecting any of these items with ⌥ (option key) held down will apply the selected function to the active partial image or images. Selecting Resize Layer or Rotate Layer opens the Resize or Rotate windows allowing you to enter the required resize settings or rotation angle.

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