Combine to Layer: Balancing the overprint between layers within a selection

How to use Combine to Layer within a selection

Combine to Layer is a tool which gives you the control and flexibility to combine layers at different tonal percentages. This is often done over the whole file, but it can be necessary to work on selected areas in order to achieve the results you need. 

  1. Make your selection using one of the selection tools.
  2. Activate the layer you want to edit. 
  3. Go to Separate Menu > Combine to Layer to open the window. 
  4. Enter 100 into the corresponding layer and press ⮐ (return key)  on the keyboard. This makes your starting point the same as the original separation.
  5. Click ‘Make’ at the bottom of the window. This creates a preview of the active layer. 
  6. Adjust the slider bars in the Combine to Layer window until you achive the desired result.


Tip: If you find the selection distracting as you work, you can hide it by going to Edit Menu > Select > Hide, or by using the keyboard shortcut ⌘H. The same shortcut will show hidden selections, meaning you can toggle between hiding and showing the selection very easily.


Note: In the image above, Split Views has been used to display the composite image on the left, and the single layer which is being edited on the right. Viewing the design in two different states at the same time as you work can help you to balance textures and separations. 

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