Gridding walls

Making room sets look realistic

In most photographic images, you will probably find that the walls and the floor continue off the picture. This means that your grids have to follow them and will probably need to be drawn a long way out of the design file to include the correct angles.

Creating a grid that bends round a wall

Many photographic images are likely to have irregular wall shapes. These can be gridded simply using the techniques shown earlier. You can often grid the whole area using only one grid, so that the design looks more realistic and the repeat works round corners. It is important not to stretch or squash individual rows or columns of cells while moving them.

  1. Use the Rectangular Grid Tool to draw a grid over the whole area needed, including the bend in the wall.

  2. Use the Grid Selection Tool to bend the grid to fit the wall.


Tip: Use other objects in the room, such as skirting boards, picture rails or table tops, as guidelines to line up the grid cells and create the correct angles.

Creating a border grid on a wall

Grids can be created which allow border designs to be positioned on selected walls. They will generally follow the same angles as the main wall grids. It is easiest to draw the border grid once you have completed the main wall grid, so that the cell size and position can be copied for the new grid.

  1. Draw the main wall grid over the selected wall. If you only want a border and no main wall design, you do not have to draw an all over grid.
  2. Go to Grid Menu > Add Grid and make sure it is the only active grid.
  3. Double click on the Rectangular Grid Tool and set the number of grids down to 1. Calculate the number of grid cells needed across the grid so that it will cover the whole area selected and enter this figure as well.
  4. Drag the grid across the area and bend it around any corners in the room using the Grid Selection Tool.

    Grid cells that are near the back of the scene should be smaller than those near the front to provide realistic perspective within the scene. It is important to set the scale of the grid correctly to get a realistic border effect.

The Movie

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