Backing up the data from Productivity Manager

The server will store all activity logged to it, unless you chose to delete some events. However, it is also good practice to back up the information in case the server goes down for any reason. 

  1. In AVA Productivity Manager, go to File > Backup.  The following window will appear:

  2. Enter a name for your file, and click Save.  

Note: The file it is actually saving is located in Home user > Library > Application Support > AVA Productivity Manager and is called avaproductivitymanager.db.  You could use Time Mac®hine to back this folder up regularly if you do not wish to rely on doing this manually.

If you wish to load your saved activity reports from one station to another, you can simply replace this file, but it must be named exactly that, otherwise Productivity Manager will simply write a new file, called avaproductivitymanager.db.

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