Insert Stripe: Adding threads into a weave design

Make a weave design bigger with extra threads

A weave design can be made bigger by inserting extra threads anywhere in the warp or weft. Using the Insert Stripe feature from the Guide contextual menu, it is possible to increase the design size in either direction.

  1. Ensure the Rulers are switched on. If they are not, click on the Show button in the toolbar.
  2. Add a guide to either the horizontal ruler (to add extra ends) or the vertical ruler (to add extra picks), by either clicking directly on the ruler or holding down the ^ (control)  key, clicking in the ruler and choosing New Guide from the contextual menu.

    Selecting New Guide allows you to enter the specific end or pick position of the new guide, making it more accurate than simply clicking in the ruler to add a guide visually.

  3. Hold down the ^ (control) key and click on the guide in the ruler and select Insert Stripe from the contextual menu. A sheet will open.

  4. Choose pixels as the preferred unit and enter the number of additional ends or picks to be added then click OK. The stripe of additional pixels will be added to the right of a vertical guide and, as shown, below a horizontal guide.

    The new stripe defaults to colour A in the weave colour palette, but this can be changed as required.

Note: When extra ends or picks are inserted into a design with this method, the Pegplan or Threading (depending on which threads were inserted) will need to be updated.

Extra picks will require the Pegplan to be updated. Although the inserted threads appear at the point indicated by the guide, you will find the new, unedited information at the bottom of the Pegplan window. Scroll to the bottom and fill the area with the relevant pattern repeat.

Extra ends will require the Threading to be updated. Scroll the Threading Window to the end selected as the insertion point and you will find the additional ends allocated to shaft 1. Update the area with the relevant threading to ensure a continuous repeat sequence.

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