Colours can be dragged and dropped from almost anywhere in AVA or Coloursys to the desktop.
Not only can single chips be dragged to the desktop, but if several chips are selected and dragged from ColourSys, the resulting file contains all the selected chips. For example, dragging and dropping four chips to the desktop at once, will create a single colour file containing all four colours.
Dragged chips will be generically named as Untitled.colourfile. These can be renamed if preferred, but they will contain the same colour if opened back into ColourSys or dragged and dropped back into areas of AVA.
The created file can also be dragged and dropped directly into open colour files allowing users to quickly append multiple colours to other relevant colour files.
In addition, users can also drag and drop the proxy icon (next to the file name in the title bar) of a whole ColourSys colour file to instantly create a desktop copy.