Using a Custom Overprint

Implementing a Custom Overprint into your colour managed workflow

A Custom Overprint can improve the colour accuracy of overprinting colours by using data from your production press. Without it, AVA uses an overprint method called Reflectance 3, which is based on a generic gravure printing press, and the simulated colours in overprinting areas may be less accurate for your products.

  1. In AVA, open the Overprint Inspector (AVA Menu > Inspectors > Overprint…) and press the Update arrow to the right of the Overprint Method pop up menu in order to refresh the list of available overprint methods.
  1. Select your new Custom Overprint from the Overprint Method pop up menu in the Overprint Inspector.
  2. Go to AVA Menu > Settings > Overprint and select the Tone DB you saved in Step 5.

  3. Open the Tone DB into ColourSys and set the Substrate chip as your substrate in the Layers Palette.


Tip: When using a custom overprint, you should use your production substrate from the Tone DB in the Layers Palette, otherwise the preview you see in AVA and print may not be accurate.

  1. In the Overprint Inspector, change the Ink breakdown popup menu to Production Tone DB.
  2. Do some test prints to your CAD printer, and compare them to production samples. It is important that you print several designs to test the accuracy of the custom overprint, and we recommend printing a few colourways of each design.

If the results are completely unsatisfactory it may be that the CustomOverprint Technology does not work with your production inks / overprint or it could be that another component of the process has changed or not working as before, this is something that would need to be analysed.

 If the results are close and all prints appear to be slightly off in the same way, i.e all appear a little too green comparing CAD prints to the same production prints, then you may wish to edit the Custom Overprint using the

Tip: Prior to running print tests for a custom overprint, it is essential you have an up to date printer and monitor profile, and your screen to print match with CAD proofs need to be very accurate.

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