Tiff Printer

Printing through the tiff printer driver. This is typically used to print from AVA to a third party RIP.

To print through the AVA TIFF printer driver:

  1. Go to File > Printer Type and select AVA TIFF Printer.
  2. Go to File > Page Set Up.
  3. Set the Page size.  Custom page sizes can be created and added to the page list easily. Just add your desired page dimensions and select Add Paper from the Page popup menu.

    Give the new page an appropriate name and click OK to confirm the new page size.

    ‘Set From Document’ will set the page size from the size of the active document.

  4. Set the resolution.
  5. Choose the compression which should be applied to your outputted TIFF file.

    If you select LZW as your desired compression type, ticking the ‘Predictor’ box will apply the same improved level of LZW compression as when using the File > Save As function. In turn, this allows larger TIFF files to be printed.

    Upon hovering over this implemented option, you will notice a message appear advising that selecting this option will generate smaller TIFF files, however, these may not be compatible with some readers.

  6. Set the File Type.

    If CMYK is selected as the File Type, you can set an ink setting to use from the CMYK popup menu. This menu is only accessible when File Type is set to CMYK, and should only be used when printing with only CMYK inks. 

Note:  If your workflow includes printing CMYK TIFFs through a third party RIP and you want to control the CMYK separation from AVA with an Ink setting, you need to create a folder inside Application Support > AVA > Profiles and name it ‘TIFF’.  You can then store relevant ink settings in this folder, and they will appear in the CMYK pop menu of the AVA TIFF Driver.

  1. If you want the TIFF you are printing to be tagged with an ICC profile, Check 'Embed Profile'.  This will tag the file you are printing with the Printer profile that is set in the AVA CMS Controller.
  2. Once all the above is set up, click OK.
  3. Select File > Print.

Save As, enables you to define the path to which you are printing these files.  It also provides you with the opportunity to rename the print file.
Save, can be used for subsequent prints which are to be printed to the same location because the path for these prints has already been set up (from doing a Save As)

We would recommend printing to a folder on the computer the RIP is running on so that the print files can either be printed immediately, or queued by the operator of the RIP.

To Spot print through the AVA TIFF printer driver:

  1. Go to File > Page Set Up.  In the 'Extra Channels' section click the + button to add a Spot Channel, see below.
  2. This will add an Untitled channel, double click to rename appropriately, for example 'White' or 'Varnish' for example, This is the name give to the extra channel in the TIFF output.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Setup the spot layer in AVA that you wish to be spot printed, see example below.

Now when you print, the TIFF file that is generated will contain an image layer and an additional channel named how you setup the Extra Channel in the TIFF driver's page setup.

You can have more than one Extra Channel (spot layer) in your output, for example if your printer has a white and a varnish or two fluorescent colours you will need more than one.  In this case the Extra Channels will correspond to the ink order chosen in the spot print setup in AVA.

To read how to setup spot printing in AVA click here

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