The Combined Spline Tools can be used to create selections, filled shapes, brush lines and vector shapes. The resulting selection, painted information or vector depends on the type of layer which is active when using any of the spline tools.
There are three spline tools, which all compliment each other, and the user can choose the most appropriate tool for the work they are doing. To switch between the tools, simply hold down on the tool in the tools palette and the options will appear in a drop down menu.
Fit points
This tool works on images, layers and vector layers, and requires the user to plot a series of nodes, perhaps around a motif, through which it will draw a smooth line.
Creating a brush outline
Activate a spot layer or an image and select the Spline Tool from the Tools Palette or press S on the keyboard to automatically select the tool.
Draw a shape by clicking a series of points and then double click to end the vector shape. The shape will be painted automatically once you have double clicked using whichever brush is selected in the Brushes Library.
Creating a filled shape
Repeat the steps above but make sure when you double click at the end of your shape you hold down ⌘ (command key) on the keyboard. The shape will be filled with solid colour automatically once you have double clicked.
Creating a selection
Repeat the steps above but make sure when you double click at the end of your shape you hold down both ⌥ (option key) and ⌘ (command key) on the keyboard. The shape will become a selection automatically once you have double clicked.
Creating a vector shape
Activate a vector layer and select the Spline Tool from the Tools Palette or press S on the keyboard to automatically select the tool. Draw a shape by clicking a series of points and then double click to end your line. The shape will form a vector automatically once you have double clicked.
Undoing the spline curve
Incorrect points along the line can be deleted while you are creating them by pressing the B key on the keyboard.
Completing the spline curve
Double click at the point where you want the curve to finish and the spline will be completed. Alternatively, if you position your cursor exactly over the point where you started the line, you will notice that the software automatically tries to curve the final point itself, rather than leaving a straight section at the start and end. In this case, just click once and both ends will be joined together smoothly.
DeleteWith tangents
To access this tool, click down and hold on the Spline Tool and select With Tangents from the list. This tool only works on vector layers and requires a slightly different drawing technique to the Fit Points Tool.
As you plot the nodes on your vector layer you can instantly create curves by clicking the next point and dragging its handle into the desired position with a click and drag motion. You continue to plot your shape using this click and drag motion and when the line is complete, press ⮐ (return key) on the keyboard to finish the shape.
- Begin drawing the vector by plotting the first two anchor points. On the second node, you can drag the handle into the desired position as shown below.
- When you click the third node, you will see your curve start to take shape. Drag its handle to suit your desired curve.
- Continue to plot your nodes and move the handles appropriately.
- Press return to complete the vector.
Three points
To access this tool, click down and hold on the Spline Tool and select Three Points from the list.
This tool lets you anchor the start and end point of a vector line and use a third click to adjust the curve between these two points simply by hovering over the curve and dragging it into the desired position. Once the first two points are in place, and you have amended the curve between them, the tool automatically moves on to allow the next node to be anchored.
- Click the first and second point of the vector.
- Hover your cursor over the centre of that line. You will see it start to bend.
- Once your desired curve is achieved, simply click to define the shape
- When the curve is defined, move on to the next point.
- Continue plotting and adjusting the curves as necessary, and press return to complete the vector.