The Info Window is an extremely useful tool which is used to display a wealth of information for the active design in AVA. You can also group the Info Window with other floating windows such as Notes, History and Navigation to save valuable screen space.
Open the Info Window by going to Window Menu > Info, or you can use the shortcut ⌘⇧i.
Changing the units displayed
Click on the side menu of the Info Window to see the currently selected units, marked with a tick. Change the selected units by choosing a different one in the list. This will also change the units being displayed in the rulers.
Because the Info Window displays a lot of information, we have broken it down for you in the tabs below. If you have any questions about the this window, or feel it should display information not already available, please contact AVA Technical Support to discuss this.
- X - the position of the cursor on the horizontal axis
- Y - the position of the cursor on the vertical axis
- W - the width of any selection or crop box in the file
- H - the height of any selection or crop box in the file
L and º
- L - displays the length of any line drawn using the Line or Measure Tool
- º - displays the angle of any line drawn using the Line or Measure Tool, or the angle of any rotated selection
Doc, Res, Mem
- Doc - the dimensions of the current file in your chosen units. This dimensions of the document are also converted to pixels
- Res - gives the resolution of the file in dots per inch (DPI)
- Mem - relates to the size of the active file based on the memory it is using on your hard drive
- RGB - displays the RGB values of any pipetted point of an RGB image
- CMYK - displays the CMYK values of any pipetted point of an CMYK image
mdE and pdE
- mdE - displays how far out of your monitor gamut the selected colour is
- pdE - displays how far out of your printer gamut the selected colour is
Colours with a high dE values should be avoided because it means either your digital printer cannot print this colour, or your monitor cannot display the colour correctly. This means your screen to print match is compromised.
D, T and M
- D - displays the density of the pipetted area of the active layer. The number which follows is the layer number
If you have an active Dot Gain, the (Dg) values will display the value as it is influenced by the Dot Gain. In the example above, the true tonal value of the pipetted area is 20%, but with the Dot Gain applied, it is 16%.If you click on a pixel while the Gamma Pane is open, you will see a (G) appear next to the tone. This displays the density of what that pipetted area will become if the previewed Gamma is applied. - T - displays the total density of the pipetted area on all active layers. This is extremely useful if you know there is a limit to the amount of information you can have in any one place in your file
- M - displays the tonal value of a mask layer. If there are no masks in your file, or in the area you are clicking with the Pipette Tool, the M value will not be shown
VR, VG and VB
On your monitor a design is split into three different colours (red, green and blue). These three separate video signals (Red, Green and Blue) is what is known as video RGB. It is the most pure form of analogue colour video signal. If you would prefer to not to see this information, you can turn this off in the side menu.