Preflight Settings : Get alerts when opening, saving and printing

Check various criteria when opening, saving or printing from the Design Window or Layout Window

These provide you with vital information when opening, saving and printing files from AVA. If all the checks pass, a window will briefly open displaying a green tick against the criteria which has been checked before automatically closing. If any of the checked criteria fail, a window will open displaying a red cross beside the relevant criteria and will remain open until the user clicks OK. 


  • Enable preflight checks after opening a file - switch on the following preflight checks to be performed upon opening a file
  • Check image layers have profiles - will alert you if any images within the file have no embedded profiles
  • Check resolution is:
    • at least - will alert you if the resolution of the file is lower than specified
    • at most - will alert you if the resolution of the file is higher than specified
    • between - will alert you if the resolution of the file is not between those specified
    • equal to - will alert you if the resolution of the file is not the same as that specified
  • Check if any spot layer has embedded dot gains- will alert you if any layer in your file has an embedded dot gain as the file opens
  • Check has document got overprint settings - will alert you if your file does not have a custom overprint setting, and will give you the opportunity to upgrade these setting

Note: the Overprint Inspector may open behind the warning window. Simply move this window to locate the Overprint Inspector

  • Enable preflight checks when opening the Layout Window - switches on the preflight checks for the Layout Window
  • Check annotations are visible - alerts to whether the annotations in the Layout Window are visible or not


  • Enable preflight checks before saving a design file - switch on the following preflight checks to be performed upon saving a file
  • Check image layers have profiles - will alert you if any images within the file do not contain embedded profiles
  • Check all layers have identical resolutions - will alert you if any there are mixed resolutions in the file
  • Check if any spot layer has embedded dot gains - will alert you if any layer in your file has an embedded dot gain as the file is saved
  • Warn if overprint document setting is different to the application setting - will alert you if the file has custom overprint settings
  • Warn if substrate document setting is different to the application setting - will alert you if the file has custom substrate settings

Printing Design Window

  • Enable preflight checks before printing from design window- switch on the following preflight checks to be performed upon printing a file.
  • Check image layers have profiles - will alert you if any images within the file have no embedded profiles.
  • Check resolution is:
    • at least - will alert you if the resolution of the file is lower than specified
    • at most - will alert you if the resolution of the file is higher than specified
    • between - will alert you if the resolution of the file is not between those specified
    • equal to - will alert you if the resolution of the file is not the same as that specified
  • Check document width does not exceed - will alert you if the width of the file exceeds that specified
  • Check black point compensation for image layers is on - will alert you if there is no embedded profile on image layers before printing from the Design Window
  • Warn if printing colour correct layers - will alert you if there are visible Colour Correction Layers within your file
  • Check document substrate is clear - will alert you if there are any unexpected RGB values in areas you would expect to be clear. This would only happen if AVA cannot locate the AVA Printing White colour chip
  • Warn if overprint document setting is different to the application setting - will alert you if the file has custom overprint settings
  • Warn if substrate document setting is different to the application setting - will alert you if the file has custom substrate settings

Printing Layout Window

  • Enable preflight checks before printing from the Layout Window - switch on the following preflight checks to be performed upon printing a file
  • Check image layers have profiles - will alert you if any images within the file have no embedded profiles
  • Check no missing embedded files - will alert you if there are missing embedded documents
  • Each colourway is unique - will alert you if there are duplicate colourways on the page
  • Check resolution is:
    • at least - will alert you if the resolution of the file is lower than specified
    • at most - will alert you if the resolution of the file is higher than specified
    • between - will alert you if the resolution of the file is not between those specified
    • equal to - will alert you if the resolution of the file is not the same as that specified
  • Check all layers are visible for all designs - will alert you if there are any invisible layers in any of the files on the page
  • Check annotations are visible - will alert you if you have any invisible annotation layers
  • Check all designs are at scale: enter a scale - you will then be alerted if any designs on the page are not that scale
  • Check page does not exceed: enter a width - you will then be alerted if the page exceeds that width
  • Check black point compensation for image layers is on - will alert you if there is no embedded profile on image layers before printing
  • Warn if printing colour correct layers - will alert you if there are visible Colour Correction Layers within your file
  • Check substrates of embedded documents is clear - will alert you if there are any unexpected RGB values in areas you would expect to be clear. This would only happen if AVA cannot locate the AVA Printing White colour chip

Adding Preflight checks to a Palette

You can save Preflight checks within a Palette on a tab-by-tab basis, making it easy to set up individual buttons for different sections in the Preflight window or combine multiple settings into one.

Adding Preflight Settings to your palette could not be easier.

  1. Go to AVA Menu > Settings > Preflight.
  2. Set your Preflight Settings and add these to your palette by dragging the settings handler from the desired tab into the Palette.
  3. Add a further Preflight check to an existing button by dragging the settings handler from the desired tab into the Palette.
  4. Create a single button for all your Preflight checks by dragging the handler from the top right corner of the Preflight window into your Palette.

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