Users can add more colours to a Tone DB at any time. Subsequent colours added should be printed using the same inks and substrate, otherwise a separate tone database should be created for anything different.
- Go to ColourSys Menu > ToneDB > Open ToneDB
- Locate the Tone DB file you wish to add more colours to in User > Library > Application Support > AVA > Profiles > Production. Select the file and click ‘Open’. The database opens as previously seen.
- Go to Colour Menu > Read Spectrophotometer, and follow the on screen prompts to calibrate the instrument.
- Read in the latest colours and their breakdowns from 100% to 0% (substrate). As the breakdown increments could change from print to print, with some engravings containing more tonal chips than others, the correct tonal breakdowns should be entered in the Tone Steps box in the database window.
- With the database window active, go to Tone DB Menu > Import Colours From Document. Select your new readings colour file from the pop up list.
- The database replies with a message saying what was replaced and what was added.
- To use the new colour, close the database and any existing colour files which were being used as part of the project. Reopen the database file into ColourSys and begin to use the newly added colours.