Vector Cloning Tool: Rapid repeating of vector shapes

Creating and replicating symmetrical vector shapes

This is a great tool for quickly but effectively creating and replicating symmetrical vector shapes. It works by copying an already created open vector shape, and recreates it as you drag the cursor in different directions, creating interesting geometric designs. 

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How to use the Vector Cloning Tool

  1. Add a Vector Layer to your design in the Layers Palette.

    1631025831499-Adding layers 6.png
  2. Draw an open vector shape using your preferred Spline Tool.
  3. Copy the vector by going to Edit Menu > Copy, or by using the keyboard shortcut ⌘ C.
  4. Select the Vector Clone Tool from the Tools Palette, and notice the settings window open.

Note: You may have to customise your Tools Palette to add this tool.

  1. Begin drawing with your newly copied vector shape, and watch it repeat, resize and change direction depending on the direction you drag your cursor.
  2. Choose whether to mirror the vector as it’s drawn by ticking ‘Add mirrored source shape’ in the Vector Clone Tool settings window.

We suggest you create a document with all of your favourite and successful vector shapes in, so that you can begin to build a library. If you name this document 'Vector Library' you will be able to find it quickly and easily when you need it.


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