Введение в векторы

Математически определенные линии, независимые от масштаба и разрешения.

Getting started with vectors Vectors are mathematically defined lines and curves made up of points and are ind...

Vectors are mathematically defined lines and curves made up of points and are independent of resolution and scale. They can be infinitely resized without losing any quality whatsoever.  Raster layers (AVA’s standard spot layers) are composed of pixels and are resolution dependant so when they are edited and manipulated pixelation can occur affecting the final output.

Creating Vectors

The vector tools are a set of tools used to create vectors. In addition to the Spline Tools, AVA vectors includes advanced editing techniques.
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Editing Vectors

Editing Vectors is done using functions within the Vector Menu, and by using certain tools from the Tools Palette.
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Rendering Vectors

Vectors can be converted back to raster information in two ways. Either create selections of vector objects and then work with the selected areas on raster layers; or render the vector information directly to raster layers using selected brushes
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Repeating Vectors

Repeat on Path is a powerful tool which allows selected vector objects to be stepped and repeated along a defined path.  
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