Тиснение с помощью 3D дизайнера

3D Designer используется для имитации аутентичных производственных структур, таких как тиснение или структурированная 3D-печать. Элементы управления высотой и освещением позволяют создавать невероятно реалистичные симуляции, а быстрые обновления предварительного просмотра делают эту функцию идеальной для проверки неисправностей.

Моделирование работает со слоем оттенков серого, который должен присутствовать в вашем проекте. Это может быть существующая текстура из вашей библиотеки, или вы можете создать ее самостоятельно, используя такие инструменты, как «Непрерывный тон», «Гамма», «Фильтры» и «Библиотека узоров».

Важно отметить, что мы настоятельно рекомендуем использовать выделенный графический процессор при использовании окна 3D-дизайнера. Хотя 3D Designer может работать со встроенными графическими процессорами, мы не гарантируем какой-либо уровень удобства использования этого оборудования. Мы приняли это решение, чтобы позволить нам использовать мощность этих графических процессоров для улучшения качества освещения в симуляции. Чтобы узнать, оснащен ли ваш Mac® встроенным или выделенным графическим процессором, выберите «Меню» > «Об этом Mac®». Нажмите «Системный отчет» и выберите «Графика/Дисплей» в левой части окна.' Вы увидите марку и модель вашего графического процессора. Если у вас только один, и он произведен Intel, к сожалению, у вас есть встроенный графический процессор, и вам, возможно, придется обновить оборудование, чтобы обеспечить удовлетворительную производительность при использовании 3D Designer. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь со службой технической поддержки AVA для получения дополнительной информации.

Открытие окна 3D-дизайнера

  • Перейдите в меню «Окно» > «3D-дизайнер», и откроется следующее окно:

Понимание инструментов в окне 3D-дизайнера

Когда окно 3D-дизайнера активно, вы заметите, что палитра инструментов автоматически закрывается. Это связано с тем, что все инструменты, необходимые при работе в этом окне, расположены в верхней части окна:

  • Рука — используется для прокрутки области просмотра, определенной с помощью инструмента 3D-дизайнера.
  • Инструмент «Увеличение» — используется для увеличения и уменьшения масштаба 3D-моделирования. Просто нажмите на дизайн, чтобы увеличить масштаб, и, удерживая ⌥ (клавиша выбора), щелкните, чтобы уменьшить масштаб.
  • Инструмент «Происхождение» — используется для изменения угла обзора дизайна.
  • Лампочка — используется для изменения освещения в 3D-симуляции.

Примечание. Всю навигацию в окне 3D-дизайнера можно выполнять только с помощью выбранного инструмента «Начало».

  • чтобы временно получить доступ к ручному инструменту, нажмите пробел.
  • чтобы временно получить доступ к инструменту освещения, нажмите ⌥ (клавиша выбора)
  • для увеличения используйте ⌘ + пробел
  • для уменьшения масштаба используйте ⌥⌘ + пробел

Альтернативно вы можете увеличить масштаб, используя - для уменьшения масштаба и = для увеличения.

Управление тем, что отображается в окне 3D-дизайнера

  1. Включите боковую панель, чтобы отобразить элементы управления, позволяющие сделать изображения и слои видимыми.
  2. Включите значок глаза, чтобы соответствующие слои стали видны в окне 3D-дизайнера.

Управление картами высот в окне 3D-дизайнера

Включите блок, чтобы сделать этот слой картой высот. В качестве карт высот можно использовать несколько слоев.

Управление слоями глянца в окне 3D-дизайнера

Включите звезду, чтобы сделать этот слой глянцевым.

Если вы назначили слой или несколько слоев в качестве деталей блеска в документе, есть дополнительные настройки, которые вы можете использовать для управления глянцевым видом продукта:

  • Интенсивность блеска — опишите, насколько интенсивен этот блеск. 0 = матовое покрытие и 4 = глянцевое покрытие.
  • Шероховатость материала – описывает внешний вид поверхности изделия. Низкое значение увеличивает блеск продукта. Высокое значение увеличивает шероховатость поверхности и, следовательно, снижает видимость глянца.

Эти параметры расположены в нижней части боковой панели.


Вы знали...

Если вы работаете на одном экране, но у вас есть доступ к iPad, вы можете расширить свое рабочее пространство, используя iPad в качестве второго дисплея.

How to edit the 2D and 3D data within 3D Designer The key benefit of the 3D Designer Window is the ability to edit the 2D data in t...

The key benefit of the 3D Designer Window is the ability to edit the 2D data in the Design Window and see the changes in real time in the 3D Designer Window, providing instant updates, allowing you to assess changes made to repeat joins and overall tracking of a texture prior to going to production. 

Editing the data and viewing those changes in real time, and in 3D has huge cost saving benefits. The 3D Designer Window helps you to see exactly how the design will look once it has been produced*, and therefore you can correct any blemishes or problems with repeat joins before having expensive cylinders engraved.


Note: *Your simulations on screen will look similar to the final production if you create good product profiles.  See the Related Articles to learn more.

All editing is done in the Design Window, with the editing tools you are familiar with, such as the Carbon Copy Tool, the Stamp Brush Tool and the Dodge & Burn Tool


Tip: Tile your windows so that you can see the Design Window and the 3D Designer Window side by side as you work. To learn how to do this, refer to the Tile Windows article listed in the Related Articles below.

The movies below show how effective editing the 2D data and viewing it in 3D in real time as these changes are made can be.



Tip: Set your Outline Curser to Filled in the General Settings (AVA Menu > Settings > General) to see a preview of the area you are copying when using the Carbon Copy Tool.

Dodge & Burn Tool: Correct colours and tones in a design In photography, dodge and burn tools are used to affect the exposure of a design....

In photography, dodge and burn tools are used to affect the exposure of a design. In AVA, the Dodge and Burn Tool uses the shape of the selected brush, the pressure settings and the brush transparency to reproduce these effects. It can be a very useful tool to correct the colours or tones of motifs or areas at repeat joins where scanning has introduced differences in the design.

Select the dodge and burn tool in the Tools Palette or press O on the keyboard to automatically select this tool and open its setting window. The Type pop up bar displays the tool types of dodge, burn and sponge. These can also be selected directly in the tools window by clicking and holding on the tool. This way you can see which tool type is selected. You can also use your up and down arrow keys to change between types.

When either the dodge, burn or sponge tools are selected, a coating window will appear, in which you can quickly edit the settings:

  • Dodge - lightens the area you paint over
  • Burn - darkens the area you paint over
  • Sponge - changes the saturation of the area you paint over
  • Dodge 1st, Burn 2nd - will dodge the first layer you have activated and burn the second
  • Burn 1st, Dodge 2nd - will burn the first layer you have activated and dodge the second

In dodge or burn mode, the range pop up bar gives the options highlights, mid-tones and shadows. This controls the tonal range which will be affected by either of the selected tools. If you use the Dodge 1st Burn 2nd or Burn 1st Dodge 2nd tool, you can activate two layers and apply the selected options respectively.

In sponge mode, the range pop up bar changes to saturate or desaturate. This changes the saturation of the area that is painted over. Sponge mode only works on RGB Images. 

Exposure allows you to control the amount of effect that the tool has on the design. For example, setting the exposure to 100% would have the maximum effect, whereas setting the exposure to 10% would have a minimal effect.

Tip: The exposure can be used alongside the brush transparency to create a very soft, subtle effect.

The Movie

Carbon Copy Tool: Cloning motifs This tool clones motifs and is particularly useful when specific areas of a desig...

This tool clones motifs and is particularly useful when specific areas of a design have to be copied exactly, such as when correcting areas of a heavily tonal design, or copying textured areas which would take too long to reproduce with the paint brush. It is also very useful for correcting motifs which have been damaged during editing, and for fixing repeat joins.  


Carbon Copy

Click on the Carbon Copy Tool in the Tools Palette or press C on the keyboard to automatically select the tool and open its settings window. Firstly you can choose which ‘Type’ you want to use. The choices are Carbon Copy or Carbon Copy Blended.

  • Carbon Copy - creates a cloning effect and is particularly useful when specific areas of a design have to be copied exactly, such as creating a duplicate of a motif but with a softer brush, or copying textured areas from one part of a design to another.
  • Carbon Copy Blended - uses the same theory as above but applies extra softening and colour manipulation as you copy. Blended results are perfect for touching up imperfections in scanned images, like a pencil line or hair for example, without needing to rescan. To learn more about how to use this tool, please go to the Carbon Copy Tool: Blended mode article


Source points used by the Carbon Copy Tool

There are four modes to select from in the source pop up bar which control how where the tool will copy from as you use it.

  • Relative - each brush stroke maintains the same distance and angle from its origin. The first click defines how far away you are copying from the start point. All subsequent clicks are made relative to this distance, so it doesn’t matter how many times you stop and start painting, it will still remember where you need to be to complete the information you are copying. 
  • Fixed - each brush stroke starts from the original source point you made with ⌥ (option key). This allows you to make lots of copies of the same information very quickly, or copy small areas of texture into a another area within the design.
  • Same - this setting can be used between two files where the destination is the same as the source. It is often used to correct areas that may have been lost while working on a design, by replacing the information from the original file. The information is copied using the same coordinates in the design to position it correctly. ‘Same’ can also be used within the same document to copy information from one layer to another, where they overprint. This is great for building up tone and texture.
  • Crop Box - uses a crop box in another file to define the source point so that a chosen repeat area can be used to copy from. To see instructions for using this method, please see the article 'Putting scanned artwork into repeat'.
  • Cross Size - changes the size of the red cross cursor that indicates the source point for the Carbon Copy Tool.
  • Automatically hide source cross - ticking this option will hide the cross while you are painting, and can improve the performance of the Carbon Copy Tool when it is being used on Mac®s which have slower graphics cards.


Working in one document

  1. Select a relevant mode from the Source popup menu.  When you are working within one document you can use Relative, Fixed and Same.
  2. Hold down ⌥ (option key) - the cursor will change to a target icon. Click on the area you want to copy from. A red cross will appear at the chosen point on the design. The file name will appear in the settings window.
  3. Begin painting in a new area of the design. As you start painting, the information from the source point will be copied to the new area. Change the size and transparency of the brush as you work to obtain the desired effect.

Copying between layers in the same file

  1. If you need to copy information from directly under another layer, set your source point to Same.
  2. Activate the layer that contains the information you want to copy, and set the source point by holding down ⌥ (option key) and clicking in the relevant area.
  3. Activate the destination layer and begin painting. The information from the source layer will be copied into the same position on the destination layer.

Copying between two files

This technique works on the same principle as copying in one document.

  1. Open two files and ensure that the layers or images you are copying from are active.
  2. Set the Type to Carbon Copy and choose between Relative or Same modes. Hold down ⌥ (option key) and click on the area of the document you wish to copy from. The source file name will appear in the settings pane.
  3. Click on the second file and start painting.

Copying from history

You can Carbon Copy part of a design from a particular stage in your history. The benefit of this is that you can selectively paint effects from an earlier version of the design to the latest version. This can be ideal for retouching or restoring images after applying filter effects for example, thus blending the old with the new.

To carbon copy from a step in history, follow the steps below;

  1. Open the History Window from the Window Menu.
  2. Identify the step you wish to copy back to, and click on the Carbon Copy icon to the left of the history step. The lock will be turned on automatically.

  3. Select the Carbon Copy Tool and set the mode accordingly.


Note: If you select the ‘Same’ mode, you can only use it in the original file when carbon copying from a history item and not between two files.


  1. Define the starting point of the Carbon Copy function. In the Carbon Copy settings window, the name of the history item will appear to highlight that you are painting from the history.

  2. Start painting on your design and the information from the selected history step will replace the latest information in the areas you paint. In the example below, the image has been desaturated, and the carbon copy tool is being used to paint back some colour into specific areas.
  3. To remove the carbon copy function from the history item, simply place your cursor over the carbon copy icon and click on it. The icon will disappear.


Note: After removing the carbon copy function from the history, the history item will remain locked. To unlock it, simply click on the padlock icon and it will also disappear. The Carbon Copy Tool will now work in the usual way again.


Carbon Copy Blended

The ‘Blend’ function is perfect for touching up scans prior to colour separation.  Ideal for removing blemishes and imperfections, Blended can be used with 5 different modes. Which one to use depends on the effect you want.

  • Standard - uses the original Carbon Copy mode where information is directly replicated from its source point.
  • Colour - takes the colour of the source point and blends it subtly into the detail of the target area (where you paint). This mode creates wonderful affects when used with the standard Carbon Copy mode.
  • Intensity - gently combines the contrast levels from the source area into the target area.
  • Hue - works best on areas which contain similar hues and is a great way of subtly changing the colour of areas within you design with changing its physical structure.
  • Saturation - takes the saturation level from the source point and copies it to the target area. This is a brilliant way of bringing balance to the overall look and feel of a design.

The video below demonstrates how each mode works best.



Stamp Brush

The Stamp Brush Tool allows engravers and designers to quickly develop and enhance textures and designs. Selecting motifs is very simple. Similar to the Carbon Copy Tool, you hold down ⌥ (option key) to select the area you want to stamp throughout your design. Selections can be made in rectangles, ovals and by using a lasso, and once a selection has been made, the selected motif can be resized using the 1 and 2 keys, and rotated as you work using the 3 and 4 keys. Each click of the 3 and 4 keys rotates the angle by 1º. All resizing and changes made to the angle of the stamp can be reset by pressing 0 on your keyboard.

For anyone who is left handed, the [ and ] keys can be used to resize the motif, and the left and right arrow keys can be used to rotate.

  • Drag from centre - your selections will be drawn from their centre point as opposed to the top left.
  • Snap to selection - snaps your selection to the content within the selection. This option is on by default.
  • Set Source From Current Selection - sets any existing selection in the document as your stamp motif.
  • Current brush - will use your currently selected brush as the stamp

The movie below shows you everything you need to know.







The Carbon Copy Tool has many settings, and switching between them can be take up valuable time when editing designs. To speed up your workflow, use a Palette to store your frequently used settings, which can then be recalled at the click of a button.

  1. Open a new Palette from File > New > Palette.
  2. Select the Carbon Copy Tool from the Tools Palette.
  3. Choose the settings you frequently use from the settings pane.

  4. Drag the settings handler from the settings window to the Custom Palette you opened in Step 1.

    Your Palette will now look like this.

  5. Option click on the button to rename it to something more descriptive.

  6. Select another frequently used setting, and repeat Steps 4 and 5. Your Palette will now look something like this;

    From now on, you can quickly switch between these settings by clicking on the appropriate buttons.




Did you know...

You can strengthen the tones in your design using the Carbon Copy Tool!

  1. Make the layer you want to copy the boosting tones from active in the Layers Palette.
  2. Select the Carbon Copy Tool from the Tools Palette.  This will open the tools settings pane. Set the Source to Same.
  3. Holding down ⌥ (option key), click on the active layer.
  4. Activate the layer you want to copy to, and begin painting. Extra tonal information is added to the layer.
  5. Experiment with the intensity and blend by adjusting the transparency of the brush or the type of brush shape being used to copy with. You can resize your paint brush as you work by pressing the 1 key to decrease its size, and the 2 key to increase its size.


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