Duplicating a colour in a colour file

Making a copy of a colour in a colour file

Sometimes you want to change an existing colour slightly, and the easiest way of doing that is to duplicate the original colour, then edit its values.

  1. Click on the colour you want to duplicate in your colour file.
  2. Go to Colour Menu > New Chip, or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘J. The selected colour will be duplicated and the Edit Chip window will open automatically.

  3. Edit the colour values using one of the following methods:
    • change the la*b values
    • change the la*b drop down menu to XYZ, Yxy or RAL and change the values
    • hold down ⌥ (option key) on your keyboard and click on the large colour chip on the right hand side of the window and use the selected colour picker to change the colour. If you want to change the selected colour picker, learn how you can do this by  clicking here.
  4. Name the colour and save the colour file.

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