Batch printing colourways

Printing a selected group of colourways in one go

Batch Printing is a fast and effective way of printing a selected group of colourways in one go from an open file.  It removes the need to arrange colourways in a Layout Window prior to printing as it uses the design window and its page setup.  

How to batch print colourways

  1. Go to the File Menu and select Page Setup. Then select your printer (if necessary) and required page size and click OK.
  2. Go to the File Menu and select Batch Printing. The following options will appear:

  3. Select the type of colourways you wish to print from the dropdown menu. You can choose from Selected, All, Named or Locked colourways.
    • Selected - prints the active colourway
    • All - prints all colourways in the design
    • Named - only prints named colourways
    • Locked - only prints locked colourways
  4. Choose how to reference your spool files by ticking either or both Index and Name.
    • Index - will apply a number to the spool file, making it unique in the print queue or output folder
    • Name - adds the colourway name to the end of the spool file
  5. Click Print and follow your standard printing procedures, ensuring all of your colour matching settings are active.


Automating the process

You can automate Batch Printing using a Palette, which means you can send multiple colourways to print with just one click.  To do this, simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to File Menu > Print Batch.
  2. Enter your required settings and print.
  3. After printing, go to AVA Menu > Settings > Menus and click on the disclosure triangle for the File Menu to access the drop down list of functions.
  4. Add your previously used Print Batch settings to your Palette by dragging the settings handler located next to Print Batch into your Palette.


Note: If you wish to create a further Palette Button or update an existing one with new Print Batch settings, you will need to print using the new settings before creating a button in your Palette as the created button will always refer to your last used Print Batch settings.


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