Designs can be laid out and presented on the Layout Window in many different ways. There are numerous settings which can be used to change how the layout looks. Most of these are found in the Views settings.
- Go to Colourway Menu > Views or click on the Views button in the toolbar. A sheet which is connected to the active Layout Window will open, allowing you to set its views without disrupting your use of other designs or windows that are open.
- Adjust the settings within the window.
- Click on Set as default to make the chosen settings the ones to be used for all new designs, or simply click OK to activate the settings for the current Layout Window only.
- Show frame - a thin, black outline will be applied around every page
- Show title and Show date - the document name is shown at the top of the page and the date is shown at the bottom. They cannot be edited or moved elsewhere on the page. The date and time format are taken directly from the System Settings ( Menu) and will therefore conform to the format set throughout your computer.
To change the date format
- Go to the Menu > System Settings … and click on Date & Time.
- Click Open Language & Text… near the bottom of this window.
- Select the General tab at the top of the window which opens.
- Users can chose their calendar and time format using the settings in this window. A small preview of the chosen settings is visible in grey at the bottom of the window.
- Show page numbers - the page number is shown at the bottom right corner of each page
- Show registration marks - the registration marks will be added to each page
- Pages Across and Down - several pages can be viewed at once so that multiple colourways can be displayed and printed. Enter the number of pages to be displayed either across, down or both
Selecting which page to display
When several pages are being displayed at once, it is possible to move to a different page without having to scroll around manually. Go to Colourway Menu > Go To Page and enter the page number to be viewed. The display will jump to the selected page.
- Background colour - the background colour of the page can be set to a known colour or a picker colour. The selected colour will appear around each colourway, logo and piece of text but will not appear under the actual colourways.
- Substrate - the page colour will be replaced by the current substrate colour in order to simulate a particular fabric, wallpaper or other printed media
- Blank Paper - this will ensure that no colour is printed in the background of the colourway page.
- Custom - to set a custom colour, activate the Custom option and select the required colour (by double clicking on the chip itself; holding down ⌥ (option key) and clicking on it; or dragging and dropping a colour into the space provided).
- Reset from default - applies your previously saved settings to old documents
- Set as default - allows your current settings to be saved for use with all subsequent documents (as a default set)
Show palette - the colour chips will be displayed at the side of each colourway, showing the colours of all the visible layers
How to add colour palettes to selected colourways in the Layout Window
- Go to Layout Menu > Views. In the Palette tab, deselect ‘Show palette’ and click OK.
- Highlight a colourway object which does not currently have a colour palette attached to it and go to Layout Menu > Make Palette. This will add a colour palette to the active colourway.

- Show colour name - the names or numbers of selected colours are shown at the bottom of each colour chip. Colour names will be italicised if their source colour file is not the active colour file.
Show numbers from zero - layer numbering will start from 0 rather than 1, in order for a pad layer to be added without it affecting the cylinder positions of the other layers in the design.
Omit pad layers from the layout palette
Generally, a pad layer is not needed for engraving purposes because printers will typically use special flood cylinders to create the pad colour in production, but the pad layer is needed in AVA to simulate the effect of the pad colour in the design. Therefore it can be helpful to display colourways on screen and on prints without the pad layer block included in the colour palette. To do this:
- Double click on the Pad Layer in the Layers Palette Layers Palette to rename it.
- Name the layer %%qcpalettehide and press ⮐ (return key) on the keyboard to confirm the name change.
- Choose Window Menu > Layout.
- Choose Layout Menu > Views, select the Palette tab and make sure Show numbers from zero is ticked. Colourways will now display the pad in the design area but not in the colour palette.
- Show user names - gives the ability to add extra information to individual colour chips to help identify them more clearly, such as Pad, Emboss, Metallic etc.
Adding a user name to a colour chip
- Highlight the colour chip being named and do one of the following:
- Choose Colourway > Set user name to add a user name to the chosen chip only.
- press ⌥ (option key) on the keyboard and select Layout Menu > Set user names All Colourways to add a user name to each colourway for that chip.
- Enter an appropriate user name for the chip.
- Show Lab info and Show CMYK info - if the selected colours in a design have either Lab or CMYK values, they will be displayed at the bottom of the colour chips below the colour name. For CMYK values to be available, you must have coloured the layers using the CMYK Colour Picker, and will only be accurate if you are using a CMYK profile from your production.
- Show tones Horizontally - if tonal values are applied to your chips in the Layout Palette, ticking this box will show the tones horizontally, as shown in the snapshot below.If this box is not ticked, the tones will show vertically.
If this box is not ticked, the tones will show vertically.
- Tones - sets the tonal values of a step wedge which will be shown in the colour chips instead of a solid colour chip. The step wedges can have horizontal or vertical orientation depending on the proportions of the chips.
Displaying step wedges in the colour palette
- Choose Layout Menu > Views
- In the field labelled Tones, type in the tones you want to show as a step wedge. The tones should be entered as integer numbers separated by spaces only, for example 100 90 80.
As with all the other settings in the Views Window, the step wedge settings are stored within the AVA file and are reloaded with the design when it is reopened. The latest settings are also taken as the default settings for any new Layout objects.
- Chip size - the size of the colour chips displayed in the palette is controlled by dragging the small black square in the size adjustment window. These can also be adjusted directly on the colour palette itself, however if you go back to the views at any point, the chips will reset to the default size.
- Reset from default - applies your previously saved settings to old documents
- Set as default - allows your current settings to be saved for use with all new documents (as a default set)
Show colourway numbers - the colourway numbers will be displayed next to the colourways
Displaying colourway numbers on selected colourways only
- Choose Layout Menu > Views. In the Colourways tab, deselect Show colourway numbers and click OK.
- Highlight a colourway object which does not currently have a colourway number and go to Layout Menu > Make Number to add the colourway number to the colourway.
- Show colourway names - adds the colourway name to the top left of each object as Dynamic Text. The user can move this text box to a location of their choice.
- Update all - all colourways will be the same size and scale and will show the same part of the design as the currently selected colourway. When changing one colourway, all of the others will update to reflect the change.
- Update selected - only selected colourways will resize together and will show the same part of the design as the currently selected colourway. The unselected colourways will remain unchanged.
Font information for colour Chips, Title and Date – colour names, design names and the date will be displayed in the selected font and size. Each setting can be adjusted independently.
Restore from View Defaults
You can quickly restore the Views settings used for your Layout Window by going to Layout Menu > Restore from View Defaults.