Weave Settings : Customising the plan windows

Control how Weave related windows behave in AVA

Settings help you to customise your software. They are very powerful, and each user should take the time to look through them and set them up. These particular Settings help you set up all Weave related windows, and control how they behave in AVA.   

Positioning the plan windows to create a cleaner desktop

The Threading, Pegplan, Warp and Weft Colour plans can be attached to the Design Window, which makes navigating the plan window very easy.

Choose a position relative to the design window using the popup menus. Your plans will now move and resize with the design window.

Each of the plan windows can be flipped to change its orientation. Thread 1,1 is initially situated at the top, left of the design and the plan windows (because in AVA the start of the design is usually the top left corner). Therefore, to view your weave designs at the correct orientation (using the bottom, left as thread 1,1), you should select the option Flip Vertical, for the Pegplan, the Design and the Colour Plans.

There is no need to flip the Threading because it works across the design. Flipping any of the plans horizontally will move the starting thread to the right hand side, so these should not be switched on if you want to view the design correctly.

Colour Plans

The number of colours viewed in the Warp and Weft Colour Plans can be altered to show only the number of colours within the design. The default for this setting is 16 and it changes both the Warp and Weft colour numbers. Reducing this number is useful for minimising wasted window space.

Tip: Set this number to the same number of colours as you plan to use in the Weave Colour Palette.

All plans

All the Plan windows have grid rulings on them and display the end and pick numbers next to the bold rulings. The grids can be altered in both scale and colour to make entering designs easier. A separate check box enables a bold grid to be placed over the design if desired.

  • Size - determines the scale of the blocks in the plan windows, i.e. the size of each square in the grid. If you are finding it difficult to work with the plans at their current size, simply enter a higher number and the plans will become bigger.
  • Bold Lines - determines the grouping of the squares in the plan windows, such as one bold line every eight threads, or one bold line every sixteen threads etc. This would probably be set in conjunction with the number of Shafts being used in the design. For example, if you have eight shafts, the bold ruling would probably be set to eight.

To change the colour of either the bold or standard grid lines, double click on the relevant colour block in the Weave Settings Window and choose a new colour from your active colour file, or hold down the option key and click once on the colour block to select a colour from the colour picker.

Sync plans with design

This option ensures your plans scroll with the design:

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