Using vectors to create a grid can be really beneficial, especially when you are trying the grid a circular object like a plate.
Make a grid from vectors
1. Open your scene and add a vector layer.
2. Select the Vector layer and plot a line along the bottom or the curtain, I used 3 point vector tool, but you can use whatever is most appropriate for your design. See example below, I made my vector layer pink so it was easier to see. Try to keep an even space between the nodes you plot.
3. Copy and paste this line and move the copy to the top of the curtain, then adjust vector line to fit the curtain's shape. It's best to copy and paste the line rather than starting a new line, as you will get a better effect if both lines have the same number of nodes.
4. Add grid layer and select both this and the vector layer, go Edit > Select All to ensure that the vector lines are both selected, then from the Grid menu go > Make Grid from Vectors. You will need to choose quite a high number of grids across so the grid can follow the shape of the curtain well, see example below where I set 40 across.
5. You will need to change the grid orientation, to do this go to the Grid menu > Change Grid Orientation, swap Rows and Columns, then Vertical.
6. Scale your grid accordingly.
7. Set the trimming area.
8. Smooth the grid if necessary, see finished example below with a design transferred.

Dinner Plate
In the example below we are going to look at how you may grid a plate using the feature Make Grid From Vectors.
- Add a vector layer.
- Using the Filled Oval Tool, draw a circle. You may benefit from switching on the preference to ‘Drag objects from centre’ in this tools’ settings window:
- Draw a second vector and position it inside the other circle:
- Add a Grid Layer.
- Activate the Grid and the Vector Layer in the Layers Palette.
- Use Edit > Select All, or the shortcut to select both vectors.
- Choose Grid > Make Grid From Vectors. Enter the number of grid intersections required and click OK. A new grid will be created based on the contours of both vectors:
- Scale your grid accordingly.
- Set the trimming area.
- Smooth the grid if necessary.