Getting started with designing in AVA

Designing in AVA gives you unlimited creativity. Manipulate scanned artworks and images and create brand new designs with layers, spot colours and vectors. Use an extensive range of tools, brushes, filters and patterns, all of which can be customised to suit your style.

Brushes and Patterns

Brushes Library 

Create and save your own brushes 

Morphing Brush 

Seamlessly blend brushes together 

Patterns Library 

Create, edit and build a library of patterns

Building a repeat with existing artwork

Partial Images

Pick up, edit and manipulate motifs

Joining scans

Import scans and quickly pin them together to create full designs

Opening PSD files

Working between AVA and Photoshop® 

Get the best of both worlds!

Geometric Tools

Adding shapes to your design

Easily create and live adjust geometric designs


Add special effects to your design

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