Changing the orientation of your grids has many benefits. Firstly, it can mean you do not have to redraw a complicated grid if it was accidentally drawn in the wrong direction, it also enables you to consciously rotate the design on the grid to aid the aesthetics of a presentation.
By default the starting point of a grid is the corner from which it was drawn. This is mostly the top left hand corner, meaning the origin of the design will sit in the top left hand corner of the grid.
To change this orientation go to Grid > Change Grid Orientation. The following options will appear;
Swap Row and Columns
Occasionally Make Grid from Vectors draws the grid in an unexpected direction as shown in the snapshot below. This is because the direction of the transferred design is determined by the direction the vectors are drawn in. But instead of re-drawing the vectors, simply use this option to correct the direction of the transferred design.
Resulting transfer direction using a grid made from vectors

Direction of transfer after using Swap Row and Columns
This option will flip the orientation of the active grid horizontally and your design will be shown as below;
This option will flip the orientation of the active grid vertically and your design will be shown as below;
This option will flip the orientation of the active grid to the opposite corner and your design will be shown as below;