Opening the Layout Window

How to open up the layout window to create presentations

There are two types of Layout Window.  We have ‘linked’ Layout Windows, which are opened from the Window Menu > Layout, and we have independent Layout Windows, which are not linked to any design and are opened from the File Menu > New > Layout Document. 

Layout Windows which are opened via the Window Menu > Layout are known as ‘linked’ Layout Windows, because they link directly to the design which was active at the time of opening the Layout Window. The active design is known as the ‘owning document’ because it owns that Layout Window, and the only way to open that Layout Window is to open the design first. This type of Layout Window can be identified by its title, because it will always be named with the design name followed by :Layout.


Note: You can go back to the Design Window at any time by double clicking on the colourway on the page. To go back into the Layout Window again choose the relevant Layout Window from the list of open documents at the bottom of the Window Menu, or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘Y.

Layout Windows which are opened via the File Menu > New > Layout Document are known as ‘independent’ Layout Windows, because they do not link to any design. They can be saved with any file name, and when they are re-opened, all their embedded files open too. The embedded files automatically go into the Dock upon open. This keeps your workspace clear, especially if you have a lot of embedded files.


Note: You cannot use the ‘New’ function when working with independent Layout Windows. This is because they are not linked to any design, and therefore the software does not know what to make a new colourway object for. This is why you have to use the Embed File option with independent Layout Windows.

Navigating the Layout Window in AVA Suite+

The AVA Suite introduces improved zoom controls in the layout window, making it easier to focus on specific areas with pinpoint precision. Command +/- now works seamlessly across both layout and design windows, providing consistent control wherever you're working.

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